Kontak Hadikarya Hijrah Propertindo

Hubungi kami untuk informasi investasi dan layanan properti.

A room under renovation with exposed brick walls and bare plaster surfaces. A ladder lies on the floor, and various construction materials like wooden boards, insulation, and bags of plaster are scattered around. A chair and some tools are placed near the wall, and there's a large window allowing natural light into the space.
A room under renovation with exposed brick walls and bare plaster surfaces. A ladder lies on the floor, and various construction materials like wooden boards, insulation, and bags of plaster are scattered around. A chair and some tools are placed near the wall, and there's a large window allowing natural light into the space.

Lokasi Kami

Kunjungi kantor kami untuk konsultasi investasi properti, perencanaan desain, renovasi, dan pengurusan legalitas SHM serta PBG.


Jl. Contoh No. 123


09:00 - 17:00